The Effect of Drugs on Biochemical Test Results

release time:2022-05-11 16:07:05

We all know that there are many factors that affect the results of biochemical tests. In addition to blood sample collection, operation methods, diet and other factors, the impact of clinical medication on biochemical testing cannot be ignored.
The Effect of Drugs on Biochemical Test Results
Studies have shown that: the likelihood of drug interference with the test when taking one drug is 7%; the likelihood of drug interference with the test when taking two drugs is 16.7%; the likelihood of drug interference with the test when taking three drugs is as high as 66.7%; the likelihood of drug interference with the test when taking five drugs is 100%.
Let's take a look at the effects of various drugs on clinical testing programs.

1. Anti-cancer drugs

Anti-cancer drugs can cause changes in liver function and abnormal changes in blood lipids in the body.

2. Hormonal drugs

Estrogen can cause abnormal blood lipid levels and increase transaminase levels in the body. Adrenaline can cause a decrease in blood phosphorus and calcium and an increase in blood sugar. Long-term use of salt corticosteroids may lead to the occurrence of hypokalemia.

3. Antipyretic and analgesic drugs

Salicylates increase amylase, uric acid, and urine sugar in the blood and urine over time. Piperidine hydrochloride affects liver function test values. Aspirin and aminopyrine can significantly increase urinary bilirubin values.

4. Diuretic drugs

Diuretic drugs can cause a decrease in the level of potassium ions in the blood, and long-term use can produce diseases related to hyperuricemia.

5. Antibacterial drugs

Commonly used drugs such as penicillin and sulfonamides can increase blood uric acid levels. And in the process of diagnosis, it is easy to misclassify it as "gout positive".

6. Other drugs

For example, anticoagulant drugs can reduce the level of trital glycerol in the blood. The anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine can damage liver function with long-term use.

The following table shows how the results of different tests are affected by drugs, please see.

5 measures to reduce the impact of drugs on clinical testing

1. Familiarize yourself with the operation: Test personnel are skilled in the processes and steps involved in the test program to effectively avoid other influencing factors.

2. Enhance communication: Keep abreast of the patient's medication, dosage and route of use, etc. The combination of patient symptoms and test results.

3. familiar with the drug: understand the drug metabolic pathway, half-life, drug effects on test results and other aspects of the role, avoiding the drug effects of the period of impact testing.

4. information records: test personnel to collect records of drugs that appear to affect test results, so that more accurate analysis of test results.

I hope that by understanding the impact of drugs on biochemical test results and initiatives to reduce the impact can help you in your daily work.

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