6 types of analyzer equipment | Hematology Analyzer | Blood Coagulation Analyzer | Urine Analyzer

release time:2021-09-26 11:51:21

Hematology Analyzer

A hematocrit analyzer is a device used to perform a complete blood count (CBC) or hemogram. It allows quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elements formed in the blood. Examples include red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood cell analyzers are mainly used in medical analysis laboratories or hospitals with hematology departments.

6 types of analyzer equipment

Flow cytometry

Flow cytometers can count and quantitatively analyze the biological and physical and biochemical properties of formed elements in blood, various body fluids, bone marrow, biopsies, and single cell suspensions of plants and animals, and paraffin-embedded tissues. Examples include cells, platelets, organelles, sperm, microorganisms, and synthetic microspheres.

Blood Coagulation Analyzer

Coagulation analyzer is a clinical medical device that measures the content of various components of human blood. It allows quantitative analysis of biochemical analysis results.

Urine dry chemistry analyzer

A urine analyzer is a medical device that measures certain chemical components in urine. It is an important tool for automated urine examination in medical laboratories. The urine analyzer has the advantages of simple and fast operation.

The principle of urine dry chemistry analyzer is under the control of computer by collecting and analyzing the color information of various reagent blocks on the test strip. Then after a series of signal conversion, the final output of the measured chemical composition content of urine.

Urine organic fraction analyzer

The flow-through urine organic fraction analyzer can quantitatively report red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, tubular patterns, bacteria, and conductivity. It can also give suggestive reports and quantitative results for certain components. For example, pathological tubular patterns, small round epithelial cells, yeast-like cells, crystals, spermatozoa, etc.

Feces Analyzer

Feces Analyzer is a test to study the alteration of fecal appearance, morphological particles, biochemistry, etc. in human pathological state. feces Analyzer also analyzes pathogenic microorganisms in feces to find the source of infection.

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6 types of analyzer equipment | Hematology Analyzer | Blood Coagulation Analyzer | Urine Analyzer


A hematocrit analyzer is a device used to perform a complete blood count (CBC) or hemogram. It allows quantitative and qualitative analysis of the elements formed in the blood. Examples include red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood cell analyzers are mainly used in medical analysis laboratories or hospitals with hematology departments.

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