release time:2021-11-17 10:50:56
Fine needle aspiration.
Dogs are prone to hypothyroidism when they get older. symptoms are fatness, skin disease, depressed expression, and possible neurological problems. Cats are prone to hypothyroidism as they get older, with symptoms such as extra excitement, hair loss, binge eating and drinking, and possible heart problems. Therefore, an older cat that is active is not necessarily rejuvenated, but may be ill. It is recommended that older pets be checked every year or two. It is best to have your pet checked if it has any of the above symptoms.
Routine blood tests are often the first step in a routine physical exam or screening for other diseases. A routine blood report usually contains many tests such as red blood cells, white blood cells, neutrophils, and so on.
The majority of clinical biochemistry tests are now automated. Most of them are performed by fully automated biochemistry analyzers. The fully automated biochemistry analyzer is computer-controlled.
After adding approximately 100 ul of sample from the spiked well, place the test disc into the instrument's telescoping bin. The telescoping bin transports the test disc to the working position. The biochemistry instrument lifting device (top bar) then clamps the test disc in place. At the same time it pushes the integrated dilution cup in the test dish upwards and tears a small opening for the liquid to spill out (topping off the water cup).