Top 10 Leading POCT Medical Device Manufacturers in China for 2024

release time:2024-10-09 11:19:19

Top 10 POCT Medical Device Manufacturers in China for 2024

The Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) industry in China has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by rapid technological advancements and increasing global demand for faster, more efficient diagnostic solutions. As we enter 2024, Chinese manufacturers are emerging as global leaders in the POCT market, known for their innovative products, diverse technology platforms, and competitive market strategies. This article provides an overview of the top 10 POCT medical device manufacturers in China, highlighting their key strengths and contributions to the evolving landscape of diagnostics, both domestically and internationally.


Chengdu Seamaty Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the development, production, and sales of POCT diagnostic equipment and reagents. With a strong foundation in POCT medical devices, Seamaty has built four major technology platforms: biochemical analysis, blood gas and electrolyte, chemiluminescence immunoassay, molecular diagnostics. Its products are widely used in medical diagnostics and animal health monitoring. In addition to a strong domestic market presence, Seamaty has expanded internationally, with subsidiaries in eight countries and business connections in over 100 countries and regions worldwide.


Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd. specializes in the research and production of POCT products, which are mainly divided into four categories: pregnancy and fertility testing, infectious disease testing, chronic disease monitoring, and drug testing (with a primary focus on the U.S. market). Wondfo has built comprehensive technological platforms, including immunochromatography, immunofluorescence, electrochemistry, dry biochemistry, chemiluminescence, molecular diagnostics, pathology diagnostics, instrument development, and biological raw materials. These platforms enable the company to create specialized product lines across multiple areas.


Biotech Getein Biotech Co., Ltd. focuses on the research, production, and sale of medical devices and diagnostic reagents. Its core business covers multiple product lines, including POCT diagnostic devices, chemiluminescence systems, biochemical reagents, hematology analyzers, quality control materials, and raw materials for in vitro diagnostics (IVD). The company is expanding into a comprehensive provider of medical devices and IVD reagents, with products catering to cardiovascular disease, kidney injury, infectious diseases, and more. These products are widely used in hospitals, clinics, health centers, and laboratories.


Wuhan Mdeasydiagnosis Biotech Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the development, production, and sale of IVD reagents and supporting instruments (POCT, molecular diagnostics, chemiluminescence, blood gas analysis, etc.), as well as mobile ECG products. Mdeasydiagnosis has developed a rich product portfolio supported by ten major technology platforms, offering integrated solutions for regional collaborative critical care, with a focus on immediate and precise diagnostics.

Orient Gene 

Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co., Ltd. operates multiple factories and GMP-compliant workshops, equipped with both domestic and imported advanced machinery. The company focuses on the research, production, and sales of IVD products, with a complete industry chain from biological raw materials (such as antigens and antibodies) to diagnostic reagents and instruments. Its product lineup is led by POCT diagnostic reagents, with a focus on molecular diagnostics, biological raw materials, diagnostic instruments, and liquid biochips.

Assure Tech 

Hangzhou Assure Tech Co., Ltd. is a leader in rapid diagnostic reagents, molecular rapid diagnostics, immune antibody development and preparation, small molecule antigen synthesis, and genetic engineering. The company specializes in the development and production of IVD reagents and related POCT instruments, including colloidal gold rapid diagnostic reagents, chemiluminescent immunoassays, and bioactive raw materials.


Sinocare Inc. has built a diverse range of technology platforms, including electrochemistry, liquid biochemistry, coagulation, immunofluorescence, colloidal gold, and chemiluminescence, along with a smart medical platform leveraging big data. The company is actively expanding its POCT testing services in primary healthcare, offering over 20 sub-brands and testing for a range of indicators such as blood glucose, blood lipids, glycated hemoglobin, uric acid, microalbuminuria, glycated serum albumin, inflammation, coagulation, liver, and kidney function.

Alltest Biotech 

Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co., Ltd. specializes in the development, production, and sale of IVD reagents, particularly rapid diagnostic tests. The company offers five major product lines: drug and substance abuse testing, infectious disease testing, women’s health testing, cancer marker testing, and cardiac marker testing. These products are widely used in clinical testing, on-site testing, and personal health management.

Relia Biotech

Shenzhen Relia Biotech Co., Ltd. offers two main POCT systems for bedside testing: a multifunctional immunoassay system and a rapid immunofluorescence detection system. Its testing portfolio covers rapid detection for cardiovascular diseases, acute kidney injury, inflammation, and infectious diseases.


Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. focuses on the research, development, production, and sale of POCT instruments and reagents for the clinical IVD industry. The company has achieved numerous innovations, including a self-developed integrated sampler, an automated immunoassay system with multiple methodologies, a triple-quality control system, and a backend big data platform. Hipro's key products include automated diagnostic platforms and 38 associated diagnostic reagent projects.



Key Focus

Core Technologies/Products

Market Presence


POCT diagnostics

Biochemical analysis, blood gas/electrolyte, chemiluminescence, molecular diagnostics

8 global subsidiaries; expanding to 100+ countries


POCT products

Pregnancy, fertility, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, drug testing

Strong in U.S. market; comprehensive tech platforms

Getein Biotech

Medical devices and diagnostic reagents

POCT, chemiluminescence, biochemical reagents, hematology analyzers

Hospitals, clinics, labs; broad disease coverage


IVD reagents and POCT devices

POCT, molecular diagnostics, chemiluminescence, mobile ECG products

Regional smart diagnosis solutions; rich product portfolio

Orient Gene

IVD products

Antigens/antibodies, POCT diagnostics, molecular diagnostics, biochips

Full industry chain from raw materials to diagnostics

Assure Tech

IVD reagents and POCT instruments

Colloidal gold rapid diagnostics, chemiluminescence, bioactive materials

Leading in rapid diagnostics and antibody development


POCT devices and diagnostics

Electrochemistry, biochemistry, immunofluorescence, chemiluminescence

Strong in blood glucose, lipids, HbA1c, smart medical platform

Alltest Biotech

Rapid diagnostics

Drug testing, infectious diseases, women’s health, cardiac markers

Used in clinical, on-site testing, personal health management

Relia Biotech

Bedside POCT systems

Immunoassay systems, rapid immunofluorescence

Focus on cardiovascular, kidney injury, and infectious disease testing


POCT instruments and reagents

Automated diagnostic platforms, integrated sampler, big data platform

Innovations in immunoassays; diverse reagent portfolio


In 2024, China’s POCT manufacturers are not only setting new benchmarks for innovation and quality within the domestic market but are also expanding their presence on the global stage. These top 10 companies, each with their unique technological platforms and product offerings, are at the forefront of driving advancements in diagnostics. As healthcare continues to shift towards more accessible and rapid testing solutions, these Chinese manufacturers are well-positioned to shape the future of the global POCT industry, delivering improved healthcare outcomes for patients worldwide.


[1]."In-depth Insights 2024: China POCT Industry Competitive Landscape and Market Share,", March 9, 2024.

[2]."2024-2029 China POCT Industry Development Analysis,", March 22, 2024.

[3]."POCT: Representative Companies in the Industry!" IVD Diagnostics, May 1, 2023.

[4]."Competitive Landscape and Key Manufacturers in the POCT Market," China Medical Device Network, July 25, 2022.

[5]."2024 China POCT Industry Overview,", May 9, 2024.

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