In vitro diagnostic reagents are in vitro diagnostic reagents managed as medical devices, including reagents, kits, calibrators, quality control products and other products used for in vitro testing
The biochemical analyzer calibration is to find a reference point, which is a K value (or F value). It is determined by the state of the biochemical instrument and reagents.
Sterilisation is the physical or chemical removal of all microorganisms (including budding spores) from medical devices, dressings and other objects to a level of sterility in order to avoid the occurrence of infections and the spread of disease caused by medical devices during use.
Anyone who has worked in a veterinary hospital will agree that dogs bark a lot! Whether your hospital has a large area dedicated to boarding or just a few cages that can include surgeries and hospital cases, every pet hospital/clinic is sure to have a very noisy piece of the floor.
Seamaty has developed different types of tests for the animal market, including the "12 Electrolyte Plus Parameters" for rapid detection of electrolyte levels in animals.
Commonly used in vitro diagnostic devices include biochemical analyzers, chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzers, blood cell analyzers, coagulation analyzers, urine dry chemistry analyzers, urine organic fraction analyzers, glucose meters, flow cytometry analyzers, etc.