Choosing the Best Veterinary Blood Chemistry Analyzer: A Helpful Guide

release time:2023-08-21 10:24:03

In animal healthcare, the Blood Tester for animals is a very important tool. It can check different things in their blood, like chemicals and minerals. This helps find diseases early and treat them before they get really bad. The main job of a veterinary blood chemistry analyzer is to help vets find out what's wrong with animals and fix it before it becomes too dangerous.

How the Veterinary Blood Chemistry Analyzer Helps Animals and Vets

The vet blood tester is really good for many things:

  1. Knowing About Health Issues: It can tell if animals are dehydrated, have problems with minerals in their blood, or other health issues.
  2.  Diabetes Check: It can say if animals have diabetes by checking their blood sugar.
  3. Helping with Medicine: Vets can use the results to choose the right medicine for sick animals.
  4. Planning for Surgery or Treatment: If pets need surgery or other treatments, vets can see how well they're getting better.
  5. Finding Problems Early: The tester can predict big problems like liver or kidney failure.
  6. Seeing if Treatments Work: After giving medicine, vets can check if the animals are getting better.
  7. Knowing When It's Serious: It helps vets see if animals have really bad problems like tumors.

The SMT-120VP Vet Chemistry Analyzer: Great for Animal Doctors

The SMT-120VP vet chemistry analyzer is a top choice for animal hospitals and clinics. It can test many different types of samples, like whole blood or clear parts of blood.

With the SMT-120VP vet chemistry analyzer, vets can do many tests on just one sample. They can learn about 24 different things in one test. This includes checking for diabetes, kidney problems, liver health, and other important things. This tool can also tell if animals are sick from things like infections or not having enough water. It's like a super detective for animal health!

testing items of SMT-120VP

Special Things About the SMT-120VP Vet Chemistry Analyzer:

  • Quick and Right: The SMT-120VP blood tester works really fast and gives accurate results in just 12 minutes. Vets can know what's wrong quickly.
  • Easy to Use: The SMT-120VP is easy to use. Vets, lab workers, and even students can use it without much training. Just put the sample in, put it in the tester, and read the results.
  • Not Much Blood Needed: Even a small bit of blood is enough. The vet chemistry analyzer can still work well with a tiny amount.
  • Small and Easy to Move: This analyzer is small and easy to carry. It doesn't need much space. Anyone can use it, no matter how much they know.

Benefits of SMT-120VP

Key Features of SMT-120VP

- Detects health issues like dehydration and mineral imbalances.

- Quick results (12 minutes) and accuracy.

- Checks for diabetes.

- User-friendly with easy steps.

- Helps choose appropriate medicine.

- Requires only a small blood sample.

- Assists in planning treatments.

- Compact and portable for convenience.

In Conclusion

The veterinary blood chemistry analyzer is a super helpful tool for vets. It can find problems early and help animals get better. The SMT-120VP vet chemistry analyzer is a top choice, working fast and giving accurate results. It's simple to use and doesn't need a lot of blood. This tool makes it easy for vets to help animals stay healthy. Read our previous article to know How to Choose a Vet Biochemical Analyzer: Top Brands with High Cost-Effectiveness

SMT-120VP Veterinary Blood Chemistry Analyzer

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6 Proper Blood Collection Methods | Use of Biochemistry Analyzers


1. The blood sample should be transferred into the anticoagulation tube as soon as possible after collection and inverted up and down 3-5 times. This is to ensure that the sample and anticoagulant are well mixed. 2. Whole blood must be analyzed or converted to plasma and serum within 30 minutes of collection. If the test is performed after the sample has been out of the body for a longer period of time, the accuracy of the test results may be affected.